Thursday, April 22, 2010

how afforestation prevent the soil erosion

erosion due to the surface collapse of air bubbles found in rapid flows of water. In the implosion of the bubble, a micro-jet of water is created that travels with high speeds and great pressure producing extreme stress on a very small area of a surface. Cavitation only occurs when water has a very high velocity, and therefore its effects in nature are limited to phenomenon like high waterfalls. The energy for erosion comes from several sources. Mountain building creates a disequilibrium within the Earth's landscape because of the creation of relief. Gravity acts to vertically move materials of higher relief to lower elevations to produce an equilibrium. Gravity also acts on the mediums of erosion to cause them to flow to base level. Deposition Figure 2: This graph describes the relationship between stream flow velocity and particle erosion, transport, and deposition. (Source: Figure 1 is an image that was created from DEMs (Digital Elevation Model) for the following 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangles: Telescope Peak, Hanaupah Canyon, and Badwater, California. To the left is the Panamint Mountain Range. To the right is Death Valley. Elevation spans from 3,368 to -83 meters and generally decreases from left to right.
Plucking: ice freezes onto the surface, particularly in cracks and crevices, and pulls fragments out from the surface of the rock. Transport Introduction * Traction is the movement of particles by rolling, sliding, and shuffling along the eroded surface. This occurs in all erosional mediums. Detachment

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